Shakti-Tata Power DDL collaborate in clean energy space

Shakti has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) to offer its expertise to facilitate clean energy interventions that can modernize the grid and improve the distribution sector’s performance.

The power sector in India is undergoing a sea change clearly visible in the increasing deployment of clean energy and the rising prevalence of grid connected distributed generation. India’s distribution companies (discoms) are a vital stakeholder group in this transition. However, the distribution sector is still mired in structural and financial difficulties. Most discoms incur vast losses every year, and the situation is only getting worse with every passing day. Unable to pay generators on time, they have accumulated huge debts, and are not able to supply reliable and high-quality power to their customers. A financial and operational turnaround of the discoms is required.

Under the agreement, Shakti and TPDDL will collaborate to design and demonstrate innovative technologies and interventions that will increases the technical and commercial efficiency of the distribution sector by facilitating multi-stakeholder coordination and public-private dialogue.

Tata Power-DDL, a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of NCT of Delhi, distributes electricity in north Delhi and serves seven million people.